

  • JPF-Symbc - Symbolic execution tool built on Java PathFinder. Supports multiple constraint solvers, lazy initialization, etc.

  • JDart - Dynamic symbolic execution tool built on Java PathFinder. Supports multiple constraint solvers using JConstraints.

  • CATG - Concolic execution tool that uses ASM for instrumentation. Uses CVC4.

  • LimeTB - Concolic execution tool that uses Soot for instrumentation. Supports Yices and Boolector. Concolic execution can be distributed.

  • Acteve - Concolic execution tool that uses Soot for instrumentation. Originally for Android analysis. Supports Z3.

  • jCUTE - Concolic execution tool that uses Soot for instrumentation. Supports lp_solve.

  • JFuzz - Concolic execution tool built on Java PathFinder.

  • JBSE - Symbolic execution tool that uses a custom JVM. Supports CVC3, CVC4, Sicstus, and Z3.

  • Key - Theorem Prover that uses specifications written in Java Modeling Language (JML).


  • KLEE - Symbolic execution engine built on LLVM.

  • Cloud9 - Parallel symbolic execution engine built on KLEE.

  • Kite - Based on KLEE and LLVM.


  • PEX - Dynamic symbolic execution tool for .NET.


  • CIVL - A framework that includes the CIVL-C programming language, a model checker and a symbolic execution tool.



  • PyExZ3 - Symbolic execution of Python functions. A rewrite of the NICE project's symbolic execution tool.


  • Rubyx - Symbolic execution tool for Ruby on Rails web apps.



  • SAGE - Whitebox file fuzzing tool for X86 Windows applications.

  • PathGrind - Path-based dynamic analysis for 32-bit programs.

  • FuzzBALL - Symbolic execution tool built on the BitBlaze Vine component.

  • S2E - Symbolic execution platform supporting x86, x86-64, or ARM software stacks.

  • miasm - Reverse engineering framework. Includes symbolic execution.

  • pysymemu - Supports x86/x64 binaries.

  • BAP - Binary Analysis Platform provides a framework for writing program analysis tools.

  • angr - Python framework for analyzing binaries. Includes a symbolic execution tool.

  • Triton - Dynamic binary analysis platform that includes a dynamic symbolic execution tool.

  • manticore - Symbolic execution tool for binaries (x86, x86_64 and ARMV7) and Ethereum smart contract bytecode.


  • Symbooglix - Symbolic execution tool for Boogie programs.
